Remote monitoring

When it absolutely must work

Discover beyond-standards solutions for remote monitoring. With Combilent you get Composite Power Monitors, Frequency Selective Power Monitors and Receive Line Monitors—as stand-alone products or integrated with combiners, Tx-filters and duplexers. All products come with extensive customization options.


How a large US city solved radio coverage issues to safeguard firefighters

The fire department in a large American city had experienced radio coverage issues that could potentially put their firefighters at great risk—and they were unable to determine the origin of the problem.

Learn how the fire department installed Combilent’s remote monitoring solution on all transmit and receive line antennas and solved the issue.


Wisconsin county cuts LMR costs and boosts reliability with remote monitoring

A lot can happen to an antenna installation during the Wisconsin winter. That’s why a Wisconsin county installed Combilent’s remote monitoring solution on all their LMR system’s antennas. 

This unique solution ensures 24/7 monitoring of antenna system performance and deliver real-time information to a monitoring platform, to ensure the network is operational at all times.

How we can customize your solution

With Combilent you get bespoke products to exceed client requirements. We utilize industrial-grade components and market-leading technologies, whether we are modifying existing models or creating a branded OEM solution from scratch.

Learn how we ensure our products are always thoughtfully designed, rigorously tested, and fully integrated here.

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