Remote Monitoring Calculator
Estimate your business potential here
Does your company install LMR systems? Calculate your business potential with our remote monitoring solution in three easy steps. Learn more about the calculator below.
Calculator 1/5
How many LMR customers do you have?
Calculator 2/5
What’s your annual number of planned preventive maintenance visits to each customer (on average)?
Calculator 3/5
How many antenna sites does each customer have (on average)?
Calculator 4/5
How many Tx- and Rx-antennas does each site hold (on average)?
Your estimate
Your estimate is ready…
Based on your input, offering remote monitoring solutions to your existing customers could bring your business…
Revenue from integrating monitors:
Five-years savings on preventive maintenance:
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Thank you for using the remote monitoring calculator. We will look into your numbers and reach out to you to discuss your business potential as soon as possible.
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Thank you for signing up to our newsletter. We look forward to sharing our insights with you. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to reach out directly to discuss your particular needs.
Your benefits
- Do more work with less personnel; technicians are spread thin
- Overcome the inexperience of new technicians
- Decrease preventive maintenance costs
- Decrease preventive maintenance problems
- Decrease truck rolls to radio sites
- Know the tower work was done correctly
- Develop solutions without visiting a site
- Cut costs with a streamlined antenna replacement plan
- Show customers you are meeting contract obligations
- Increase customer satisfaction with less downtime
- Increase maintenance contract revenue
- Increase system uptime by monitoring degrading trends
How the calculator works
The calculator gives you an instant estimate based on average figures from previous integrations of the solution.
Example: A regional system integrator with 30 LMR customers will, on average, increase revenue with 1.680M USD and save 252,000 USD annually on preventive maintenance.
Numbers vary from business to business and project to project. If you would like to receive a calculation that factors in specific variables, please get in touch.

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The tech inside the solution
Discover the products that make up our unique remote monitoring solution.
With Combilent, you get composite power monitors, frequency selective power monitors and receive line monitors—as stand-alone products or integrated with combiners, Tx-filters and duplexers. All products come with extensive customization options.