Unique monitoring solution cuts costs and increases reliability of public safety radio system


Public safety

Solution used

Remote monitoring


United States

“Preventive maintenance is after hours, and we pay overtime. Now we can eliminate taking the system down for preventive maintenance saving us a lot of money”, County Emergency Management


A Wisconsin county wanted to cut maintenance costs and improve control of its radio system across all its ten antenna sites.

As with most public safety radio systems, the county depended on regular manual inspections. However, these are costly, time-consuming, and do not provide real-time information of how the system performs—and a lot can happen to an antenna installation during the Wisconsin winter.


The county installed Combilent monitors on all antennas. This unique solution ensures 24/7 monitoring of antenna system performance and deliver real-time information to a monitoring platform, to ensure the network is operational at all times.


Minimized maintenance and downtime
Combilent monitors eliminate the need for ongoing inspections of antenna equipment—in this specific case, annualy an 80-hour job plus travel time. Today, equipment only needs to be checked if there is an identified issue, cutting costs and downtime.

Improved control and self-reliance
Potential system issues can develop at any time and be hard to catch by the human eye. Combilent monitors detect the issues you may not be aware of and the monitoring platform translates data into useful information to let the system owner identify root causes without sending technicians to the site. 

Reduced costs with planned maintenance
The information from monitors lets you catch issues ahead of time and run planned replacements—which is always preferable to emergency replacements with all their added costs and hassles.

Discover more RF-solutions – for radio systems that absolutely must work

You can learn more about Combilent monitors here.

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