

How a large US city solved radio coverage issues to safeguard firefighters

The fire department in a large American city had experienced radio coverage issues that could potentially put their firefighters at great risk—and they were unable to determine the origin of the problem.

Learn how the fire department installed Combilent’s remote monitoring solution on all transmit and receive line antennas and solved the issue.


Wisconsin county cuts LMR costs and boosts reliability with remote monitoring

A lot can happen to an antenna installation during the Wisconsin winter. That’s why a Wisconsin county installed Combilent’s remote monitoring solution on all their LMR system’s antennas. 

This unique solution ensures 24/7 monitoring of antenna system performance and deliver real-time information to a monitoring platform, to ensure the network is operational at all times.


Customized solution lets utility company migrate to new radio system with no risks or downtime

An American Gas and Electric company decided to migrate to a new 800 MHz radio system. But transitioning to a new radio system is a tricky business with several potential issues.

Combilent developed and delivered a custom-designed dual-band solution that allowed the company to operate the old and new radio system in parallel. The result was a seamless migration with no downtime.


FDNY installs ARC system to enhance RF commmunication

The Fire Department of New York (FDNY) struggled with serious radio communications problems during and after the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks.

Combilent helped develop an ARC system to secures instant onsite RF communications among firefighters and commanders. The solution allows firefighters to take immediate action and minimize operational down time.

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