
Do all you can do
With Combilent, you get beyond-standards RF conditioning solutions. We offer innovative grade-A technology, extensive customization options, and direct access to subject-matter experts. Because, when it absolutely must work, do all you can do.

Our company
Combilent is a strategic partner with some of the world’s top land mobile radio suppliers and integrators. Our team has more than 20 years of experience, making it possible to provide best-in-class innovations and designs from original equipment manufacturers.
Our R&D team also works with OEMs like L3Harris, and Airbus to offer customized designs that meet our clients’ unique needs.
Combilent Group benefits from ongoing relationships with TX RX Systems and C Squared Systems to bring additional innovations, including the ability to coordinate with suppliers, manufacturers, and clients to produce customized communication systems.
Part of Indutrade
Since 2015, Combilent has been owned by Indutrade, and is now organizationally part of the Indutrade's Measurements & Sensor Technology business area.
ISO 9001:2015 certification means that Combilent deals with all statutory and regulatory requirements while providing products and services that meet client needs. We’ve held the certification since 2005 and kept up with regulatory improvements to meet review objectives every five years.
Originally issued in 2005, ISO 14001:2015 certifies that Combilent continually works on improving environmental performance and customer fulfillment obligations while developing, producing, and selling radio-based equipment. The certification covers equipment such as antennae, combiners, filters, and subsystems. We have maintained ISO 14001:2015 certification since our original qualification and continue to exceed the standards established by Bureau Veritas.

Our history
- 2004: Combilent was founded in Denmark
- 2005: Supplier agreements with major TETRA OEMs
- 2005: ISO9001 and ISO12001 certified
- 2011: Combilent USA was founded in Chicagoland
- 2015: Combilent became part of the Indutrade Group
- 2018: Combilent moved to larger facilities in Farum, Denmark
- 2018: Combilent expands with company Tx Rx Systems
- 2019: Supplier agreement with major P25 OEM, USA
360° Commitment
From design and compliance, to manufacturing and testing – all is part of our 360° Commitment approach.